Flying Through Winter

Here is a precise what3words address, made of 3 random words. Every 10ft square in the world has its own unique what3words address.


43.781304, -74.257187

43°46'52.6944"N, 74°15'25.8732"W

43°46.87824'N, 74°15.43122'W

Roadside Chronicles 2

Most of my recent photographs have been captured during the commute to and from work as there hasn’t been time for much else. Time at home has been consumed by fights with snow and ice using a variety of tools and techniques.

To break the monotony, I managed a relatively short walkabout this afternoon through backroads of Oswego County. The snow is always more beautiful when I’m working a camera and not a snowblower or shovel.

The photographs are straight out of the camera with adjustments only for cropping and white balance.

33 Clicks Through The Windshield On A Saturday Drive Headed North

Ozark Cafe

Kimberly's Efforts

Back To Basics

Life has been crazy. There have been too many commitments, too many projects, and too many distractions and responsibilities. My time spent finding peace through my photography-triggered travel has been severely curtailed. It’s time to reprioritize my time and get back to the basics that fuel my soul.

Late Lunch (8 images)


43.977913, -75.946287

This what3words address refers to a 3 metre square location. Tap the link or enter the 3 words into the free what3words app to find it.

You Are Treasured (2 images)

There are so many people who do so much, seeking absolutely nothing in return. Remuneration and recognition never enter their minds. They simply care about others and act accordingly.

You all know who you are.

Thank you for being the best of all of us. You are treasured.